Brisk walking benefits for heart, brain and life

Health Benefits of Brisk Walking

Underrated but the most beneficial zero expense and best physical activity that can be done in any future, which has more than 100 health benefits, and in this blog I will tell you about the most important 20 health benefits that will benefit you from head to toe. Brisk walking can keep even the feet healthy, what is the complete science behind it, what do hundreds of studies say about it? How many steps to walk, how to walk?  What should be the heart rate and at what age and how fast you have to work, I will give you complete information in this blog.  This is not a blog; it is the key to the safe of your health. Now brisk walking is considered the best aerobic exercise in the world and its first health benefit is that it will save you a lot of money, how much expenditure is incurred on diseases in the hospital? Will escape from here.

1. Healthy lungs

Our lungs get the first benefit. By walking we breathe more oxygen due to which the toxins get neutralized and come out. It also strengthens the muscles of our lungs and if the lung capacity increases then the body’s capacity to decrease the risk of rhinitis, bronchitis, TB, pneumonia.

2. Seasonal diseases

Among those who do regular brisk walking, the effect of seasonal cough and cold is very less compared to others, so without knowing how much and how to do a brisk walk daily, that is, what is the right way to do it that is the same from here. Don’t go at all and read carefully. 

3. Healthy digestion power

Not only digestion but every stomach problem starts getting good results in just one week. If you work properly then why does walking increase the peristalsis movement of our intestines? What is ecological movement? Our organisms move in this manner to absorb nutrients from food Just as sugarcane is crushed in a juice machine, in the same way it extracts nutrients from our food and turns it into waste and expels it through the rectum.  So whoever has this Peristalsis movement, his metabolism will get disturbed. We often see that some people eat anything and their body digests everything but many people, if they eat even a packet of chips, then they here also the food gets stuck in the pipe, Because our metabolism is not stable and if we regulate the peristalsis movement then our metabolism will become good and walking is the best exercise in the world to increase the peristalsis intestinal movement.

4. Cardiovascular health

A study was conducted at Hayward University in which it was seen that if we walk for 21 minutes every day, it strengthens the heart muscles, which reduces the risk of any cardiac risk factor for heart attack by 31 present. And the blood supply that increases and the calories that are burnt by walking also do not get deposited in our arteries.  Secondly, LDL low-density lipoprotein, which is bad cholesterol, causes heart attacks. It starts getting deposited in our blood vessels, due to which the blood vessels become narrow and increase the risk of heart attack. Now walking reduces HDL which is good cholesterol which remains intact and the levels of LDL are reduced.

According to the American Heart Health Association, a person should walk at least 10,000 steps a day.  It makes the heart completely strong due to which the resting heart rate reduces because strength has to be applied to pump the heart. If you want to keep the heart always young, then praise your heart, and if you get even a little benefit from this blog. If awareness has come, I also want to promise that you will start a brick walk class from today itself.   So if you want to keep your heart completely healthy then you should take a walk.

5. Avoid Diabetes in future

According to the American Diabetes Association, walking not only reduces your blood sugar levels but also significantly reduces the risk of getting diabetes in the future, because by doing it our body can use the insulin better. In 30 to 45-minute walk for diabetes, the doctor says that walking gives a lot of benefits, so walking 10000 steps starts with one step, which you will start from today.

6. Reduce risk of brain stroke

Daily walking improves blood circulation in the brain and increases the overall supply of oxygen, which increases the efficiency of brain functioning and prevents blockage in the blood vessels, due to which the risk of brain stroke is also reduced to a great extent.  Now the glands of our nerve cells also grow more because if we get a hyper-oxygenated environment then there will be growth of the brain. After all, this increases the size of our hippocampus.  There is no shrinkage in the brain and what is its result? Memory improves, learning ability increases, and its biggest benefit to you is that it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia by 48%.

7. Healthy bones

Walking makes our entire body flexible.  As we age, body pain increases, and dryness increases.  Bones start losing lubrication, and stiffness and inflammation start increasing.  Now by walking, proper lubrication is maintained in our ligaments and joints and the mask increases due to which the body remains as strong as iron, and even till the advanced age, we do not become helpless and do not become dependent on anyone.  Walking and brisk walking provide a lot of relief from arthritis, relief from joint pain and doctors also say that people who work have higher bone density as compared to those who do not walk. Muscles are toned and provide strength and support to the body.  If ever there is an injury, the bones do not break quickly if we do regular walking and yes, all the females who are watching this blog should definitely walk because due to weak bones in females, the risk of getting arthritis is slightly higher comparably to men. And in later age, it comes to women very quickly, so all the women who are watching the blog, promise me that from today onwards you will definitely make walking a routine of your daily life.

8. Freedom from depression and stress

Due to today’s lifestyle and stress, problems like depression have increased a lot.  If you feel negative, stressed or depressed then go for a walk.  The chemicals produced in the brain due to negative feelings are more dangerous. By regular brick walk, these negative chemicals get utilized and the mind remains fresh.  According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, if we consistently do brisk walking for 60 minutes every day, then we can eliminate the problem of depression to a great extent. The stress level decreases and the ability to fight stress also increase. General In the study of Experimental Psychology, it was said that walking produces more endorphins in our body which give you a sense of satisfaction, feeling of happiness, listfulness, and eliminating negative thinking.  And I am telling you the truth; I have seen people who do regular brisk walking get off their depression medications.

9. Lifestyle diseases

Today, due to our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, this problem is increasing very fast. See the problem of insomnia. Sleep is very good if you walk for 45 minutes because walking increases the production of melatonin. This is the most important chemical for good sleep and even though we get a little tired due to walking, it also helps in getting better sleep.  The World Health Organization recommends that people aged 18 to 64 years should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, which is best achieved without any exercise. Just by brick walking.

10. Prevent cancer

The risk of cancer can be reduced by doing regular brick walking. According to experts, our sedentary lifestyle has become a major cause of cancer today and walking makes you active and in females, it reduces the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer by 31%.  Walking Regular Brisk Walking is important to burn calories, lose weight, that weight which is bad kind of fat, it is said that even a 30-minute walk burns your average 150 to 200 calories.

11. Weight lose

If you want to lose weight then you should do brisk walking, hence at least 10000 steps to exercise, that activity should be done which we can continue till the age. If we don’t get time to go out, we can walk on the terrace.

12. Boost immunity

The biggest power that a human being has is immunity and it gets strengthened by brisk walking. Now what happens by walking is that we are able to breathe more oxygen, so it also increases immunity and it stimulates our lymphocytes.

13. Rapid Fire Benefits-

Some benefits, I will reach you very quickly and then I will tell you what the right way of brisk walking is. Look, if we walk fast, our age also increases and it reduces the risk of early death by 15%. Our energy levels get boosted. People think that this will reduce our energy but it is not so, energy increases and we become more active.  It is drug free painkiller. If someone has chronic pain, it helps him in that also. Chronic pain also starts getting cured, sperm production increases due to brisk walking, and those who have the problem of erectile dysfunction also get relief from it.

How to do brisk walking?

The body gets full benefits only when you do brisk walking. Generally we walk only 6285 steps in normal walking and walk a little faster in brisk walking.

 Brisk walking means when we walk 100 to 120 steps in 1 minute, we are doing brisk walking and a person to person also does it.  I told you the average, that is, we should sweat a little, breathe a little and if you are starting, you can start with normal walking also.

But our target should be, for the sake of idea, I am telling you that walking two steps in one second is 100 to 120 steps in one minute.

Now with this we can achieve our target heart rate.

Now, what is the target heart rate? So the maximum heart rate that we have is 220 i.e. 220. Now how will we find out our target heart rate? From this 220 you subtract your age i.e. if someone’s age is 40, so you need (220-40=180) so now our target heart rate is 180 BPM.

But if we want to go a little moderate then we have to walk 100 steps for minutes so that we can get the benefit of this bricks working. And yes, one very important thing that you have to pay attention to is that whenever you want to gradually increase the steps from walking to brisk walking, then gradually slow down for 5-7 minutes, a little slower than normal. Walking has to be done which is called cool down, and his is a very important and important step.

Now, lastly, let me tell you one more important thing: how many steps do you have to walk? To get all these benefits, you will have to walk approximately 10,000 steps in your entire day. But if this seems like a big mountain for you then don’t worry, you start well, this is half done, start with 10 minutes and keep increasing by one or two minutes and if you can spare time then do it for 60 minutes, if not then not 45. So if not 30 then do it for 15 minutes. There will definitely be benefit, even if it is less, but there will be no loss, there will be benefit.

Now one more thing to be noted is that you should always breathe through the nose. Whenever you are walking, do not go to a polluted place for walking.  And if you are walking for more than 30 minutes, then for you should also have some water with you, even if you keep a small bottle, do not keep it for drinking; keep it for moistening the throat so that you can drink it several times. We get dryness.

You have to walk looking ahead, not looking down. There should be a shoulder position. Clothes should be comfortable, shoes should also be comfortable. Must drink two to three liters of water a day. If the body is not hydrated then it will not be able to expel the toxins and even if it is dehydration will occur due to lack of water inside the body, hence drink plenty of water, at least 2 to 3 liters.


There is no physical challenge in which walking does not have benefits, but if you are facing any kind of serious health issue then you can consult your doctor once.

This information is written by

Mr Suhas Dadarao Avhad

Author and CEO (

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